
Get your DNA questions answered by a certified genetic counselor

Discover our service – sign up as an individual to experience how it works and explore the benefits of integrating genomics into your program.

Please note that signing up as an individual does not allow our genetic counselors to interpret raw data!

Register below and start your discovery today.

Pricing for Individuals
Chat $79
Ability to upload your genetic testing reports
Review your health medical records via our health exchange for any relevant history
Ability to discuss genetic testing options
30 days to chat online with a licensed genetic counselor about your results
Chat+ $129
Ability to upload your genetic testing reports
Review your health medical records via our health exchange for any relevant history
Ability to discuss genetic testing options
60 days to chat online with a licensed genetic counselor about your results
30-60 min phone chat with a licensed genetic counselor
Institutional pricing varies by configuration. See Clinical Labs or Digital Health pages for standard pricing.
Join DNAvisit today. Registration is quick and easy.